The term great room denotes a roomspace within an abode, which combines the specific functions of several of the more traditional roomspaces (e.g. the family room, the living room, the study, etc.) into a singular unified space. Different great rooms will combine different functions, e.g. some may incorporate a reading area, thus bringing the traditional study function into the scheme of the room, while others may forego this particular function.
Often the presence of a great room indicates the absence of the correlative traditional rooms whose functions the great room assumes. However, this need not always is the case, e.g. the abovementioned great room with a reading area may be in an abode, which also contains a separate dedicated study. Importantly, it would seem that the as the ratio between the two parameters "functions assumed by the great room" and "rooms whose functions have been assumed which still survive alongside the great room" decreases, it becomes increasingly likely that what one is dealing with is less a great room in the standard sense of the term and more a true reception room in the lineage of larger estate houses; the implication of this statistical analysis is more tight-fitting to reality as the magnitude of each parameter increases, while still respecting the ratio test described supra.
In the most general sense, great rooms are typically found on the lower level of American multi-story homes built in the second half of the 20th century.
Types of Beds
A bed is a piece of furniture or location primarily used or intended for sleeping upon, but which can serve other functions as well.
Beds come in a wide array of shapes and sizes. Early beds were little more than piles of straw or some other natural materials. An important change was drafts, dirt, and pests.
To make beds more comfortable the top layer is frequently a mattress. Originally these were bags of straw for most people and filled with feathers for the wealthy. Eventually new fillings such as cotton and artificial fillers became common. In modern times most mattresses use springs, solid foam, water, or air.
At the top of the mattress, to provide greater support for the head, most people use a pillow. Also used is some form of covering blanket to provide warmth to the sleeper, often bed sheets, a quilt, or a duvet. The bed frame may simply be made of wood or metal, but many also use springs. Most expensive and bulky, but also strong and comfortable is a box spring or divan, a large mattress-sized box containing wood and springs। A dust ruffle, bed skirt, or valance sheet may be used to make the bed frame match the rest of the bedding.
TwinThis size is fairly popular in college dormitories, and is used in the hostilely like extra bed, mostly for triple occupancy, measurement of 39 in × 80 in (1 m × 2.05 m)
Most countries have a standard set of four sizes of mattress। While the Double size appears to be standard among English speaking countries, based on the imperial measurement of 4 ft 6 inches by 6 ft 3 inches, the sizes for other bed types tend to vary. The European sizes differ; they are based on the metric system.
These dimensions are for the mattress—the actual bed frame will be a little bigger in order to fully encompass and support the mattress. The thickness of the mattress may vary considerably.
In the United States Twin and Double/Full/Matrimonial size are 75-78 inches long, depending on manufacturer. Queen and King are 80 inches long. "California" sizes, such as California King are 84 inches long. Extra Long sizes take the length to 80 inches. See Bedding for more sizes. A mattress should be at least six inches longer than the tallest person who. The U.S. Queen corresponds to UK King and King to Super King. The European or continental basic sizes are similar to the UK but have a set length of 2 meters. will be sleeping on it.
A king-sized bed differs from the other sizes in implementation, as it is not common to have a king-sized box spring; rather, two smaller box-springs are used under a king-sized mattress. On a U.S. Standard or "Eastern" King, the boxsprings are identical in size to a Twin Extra-Long.
Hollywood Bed and Spring Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, a major bedding hardware manufacturer since 1925, is committed to customer satisfaction. Hollywood Bed is family-owned and operated and is currently under second and third generation management. We deliver quality products and provide the best customer care to the Retail Home Furnishing Industries, Hospitality Industries, Manufacturing companies and Government agencies.
Hollywood Bed & Spring is the supplier of innovative and quality sleep products to the nation. Customer satisfaction is paramount and is the basis of the continued growth and success of Hollywood Bed. Our Sales and Marketing Department will work with you to create a program that best fits your needs.
A mattress on a box spring supported by a metal frame or attached low legs, often with an upholstered headboard.
Hollywood Bed manufactures a variety of products, including Metal Bed Frames, Bed Rails, Rollaway Beds, Day Bed Hardware, Trundles, Hi-Risers, Pedestal Bed Bases and various accessory items, including wire and steel associated products. A few of our exclusive items include the patented "Lev-R-Lock" adjustable bed frame, which is quick and easy to assemble; and the "Holly-Matic," the strongest bed frame with a lifetime warranty. In addition to their stock items, Hollywood Bed offers its customers the flexibility of custom construction to meet specific requirements.
Roll-a-way bed
Rollaway beds are beds with wheels for easy movement and automatic opening legs for easy and fast set up। 3/4” Heavy Duty Square Steel Tube with 4 legs for EXTRA STRENGTH, rated for one person up to 375 Lbs. Backed on Epoxy, rust-resistant , black paint, Polyester deck with PVC backing, 44 springs, 3-1/8” Foam mattress for superior comfort, Open Size: 32” Wide 71” Long 15” High and Folded Size: 32” Wide 44” Long 12” Thick .
It is couch, which can be made to serve as a double bed by sliding the frame of a cot from beneath it। Convertible consist of an upholstered couch that can be converted into a double bed.
Sofa Bed Hide-a-bed
A couch, and a sofa, settee, lounge, davenport or chesterfields are items of furniture for the comfortable seating of more than one person. Compare the joiner's settle, with its separate seat cushions.
Couches are usually to be found in the living room or the lounge. They come in a variety of textiles and in leather. A typical couch seats two to three people and has an armrest on either side. Many different types of couch exist: popular types include the divan, the chaise lounge, the canapé or the ottoman. Also, to save space, some sofas double as beds (sofa-bed, daybed or futon). There are other types, including two-seater, three-seater, corner and chaise lounge. A smaller version of the couch which may only comfortably seat two people is more commonly known as a loveseat. A sectional sofa (often just referred to as a "sectional") is formed from multiple sections (typically 2 to 4) and usually includes at least two pieces that join at an angle of 90 degrees or slightly greater.
Murphy Bed

A Murphy Bed is a bed that folds down from a wall. William L. Murphy applied for a patent for this idea April 1st, 1916 and was granted Design Patent D49, 273 on June 27, 1916. Murphy started the Murphy Wall Bed Company and began production in San Francisco. In January 1990, the company changed its name to the "Murphy Bed Co. Inc." A Murphy bed is used for space-saving purposes, much like a trundle bed is.
In 1989 an appellate court held that the term "Murphy bed" is no longer entitled to trademark protection because a substantial majority of the public perceives the term as a generic term for a bed that folds into a wall rather than the specific model made by the Murphy Bed Co.
A futon in Japan
A futon in U.S.
Japanese futons are flat, about 5 cm (2 in) thick with a fabric exterior stuffed with cotton or synthetic batting। They are often sold in sets which include the futon mattress (shikibuton), a comforter (kakebuton) or blanket (mōfu), a summer blanket resembling a large towel (towelket), and pillow (makura), generally filled with beans, buckwheat chaff or plastic beads.
Futons are designing to be placed on tatami flooring, and are traditionally folded away and stored in a closet during the day to allow the tatami to breathe and to allow for flexibility in the use of the room। Futons must be aired in sunlight regularly, especially if not put away during the दय. In addition, many Japanese people beat their futons regularly using a special tool, traditionally made from bamboo, resembling a Western carpet beater.
Western futons are only loosely based on the Japanese original, with several major differences. They are usually placed on a configurable frame for dual use as a bed and a couch, but are not intended to be stored away during the day. They are usually filled with foam as well as batting, often in several layers, and are almost always much thicker and larger than Japanese futons, resembling a traditional mattress in size. Western-style futons are a cheap alternative to a bed or other furniture, and are often sold in sets that include the mattress and frame; in fact, in the United States, "futon" often refers to the frame, not the mattress. Most Japanese people would not recognize a Western-style "futon" as a futon.

A mattress is a piece of bedding on which to sleep or lie. In the United States it is typically constructed of multiple layers of foams, natural and/or synthetic fibers, and springs. A mattress can be used alone, on the floor, but is usually placed a top some platform so as to be higher off the ground. Such a platform might be a foundation made with metal springs in a wooden frame. Mattresses made mainly of foam materials such as latex foam, viscous-elastic foam and other polyurethane-type foam, are becoming more common. Mattresses can be constructed to use almost any support system such as air, water, foam, or springs.
Bed frames
Bed frames, also called bed steads, are made of wood or metal. The frame is made up of head, foot, and side rails. For heavy duty or larger frames (such as for queen- and king-sized beds), the bed frame also includes a center support rail. These rails are assembled to create a box for the mattress or mattress/box spring to sit on.
Types of bed frames are:
*platform - typically used without a box spring
*captain - has drawers beneath the frame to make use of the space between the floor and the bed frame
*waterbed - a heavy-duty frame built specifically to support the weight of the water in the mattress
Though, many people include headboards, footboards, and bed rails in their definition of bed frames. Headboards and footboards can be wood or metal. They can be stained, painted, or covered in fabric or leather.
Bed rails are made of wood or metal and are attached to a headboard and footboard. Wooden slats are placed perpendicular to the bed rails to support the mattress/mattress box spring.
After 7–15 years, depending on use and quality, although many people use their mattresses longer.
Experts indicate that two adults sleeping nightly on a queen mattress will notice the padding, not the coils, breaking down after a period of four to six years. While the mattress will still be comfortable, it will no longer feel the way it did when first purchased.
When laying a hand on the mattress with about three pounds-force and sliding it over the mattress lumps can be felt.
-When the user regularly wakes up feeling tired, stiff, achy and sore and the reason can be traced to the mattress.
-When inner coils start springing out of the mattress.
-When the mattress shows very visible deformities.
-When the mattress has a large permanent sag in it.
-When the box spring creaks and squeaks.
-When the user has difficulty finding a comfortable position in which to sleep.
International Mattress Sizes(Dimensions in inches।)